FAQs Related to Steveston Physiotherapy

Here are some commonly asked questions about our payments, session time, parking, and more.

Do We Offer Massage / Massage Therapy?

At this time we do not offer Massage Therapy.

How Long Will the Initial Assessment Take?

Your first visit and initial assessment will take roughly 45 - 60 minutes.

Is There Parking Close to the Facility?

Yes, there is free parking in the front, side, and back of the building.

Do We Offer Direct Bill Payment?

Yes, we offer direct Billing for many of the big insurance companies.

Do we Accept ICBC or Worksafe Patients?

Yes, we are happy to accept all ICBC and Worksafe patients.

Do We Accept MSP?

Yes, we accept MSP from all eligible patients.

Contact us today if you have any unanswered questions.