
How to Tell if you are Ready to Return to Activity After a Sport Injury

August 29th, 2023
How to Tell if you are Ready to Return to Activity After a Sport Injury

We know what you're going through - recovering from a sports injury isn't a walk in the park. It can be a restless journey full of long nights where all you can think about is getting back on the field. 

Although the process is grueling, know there is light at the end of the tunnel. And spending a bit of extra time to fully ensure you are healthy will go a long way in preventing re-injury.

So, before you head back out onto the court, field, or rink, follow these two tips.

Listen to Your Body

No one knows how you are feeling better than you, and if you are feeling pain, it's your body's way of sounding an alarm bell that something might not be quite right. 

So, if that pain is flaring up while doing light exercises or even day-to-day activities, your body might be saying, "Hey, I think we need a little more healing time."

Movement is another key. Whether it was your knee that took a beating or your wrist, seeing how your joints flex and extend is another way to monitor your progress. But remember, don't push it. Rushing back into heavy exercise can set you back.

Work With a Physiotherapist

The recovery process does not have to be difficult and lonely. At Steveston Physiotherapy, we're all about helping you return to your best self. We're here to provide custom exercises and activities that match your pace to maximize your recovery.

In the end, deciding to return to sports isn't just about physical readiness - it's a mix of mental preparedness, patience, and a whole lot of inner strength. 

At Steveston Physiotherapy, getting you back into action while ensuring your optimum health is what we strive for. Together, we can get you back on your feet, physically and mentally.

Steveston Physiotherapy is a family-owned clinic focused on providing custom exercises and activities to ensure optimal recovery. We work closely with a small list of patients to prevent injuries, manage acute conditions, and minimize chronic pain.